The Kyandra Saga

The Kyandra Saga
Book I

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Taste of Poetry - Connecting Positively

I'm going to approach you
With this hypothesis scientifically...
How come in just one thought my hearts beats
Infinitely and I have multi-faceted thoughts
About you... does this mean... I think
In epiphanies... because it’s all I
Ever do. .

May I be allowed to use
Some medical terminology...?
And base it upon physiology cause I
Need you to know how my mind is
Working. . overtime... How my mind I can’t always find..
How your breath is breathing inside of Me...
It is terminally killing me...

I'm just going to try
Indefinitely... and keep these thoughts
Within boundaries of sanity...
That seems to be connected just to you...

See it must be synaptic,
I got nerves
that depend on if you are sending
the same signals too

And It does not take a doctor...
Or a scientist to figure out
That this connection I
Can’t resist...

I hope and pray
That your brain will
Wrap around this example that
I’m about to convey...

I know you don’t need
To look this up... just trust...
That my emotions
Are driven by a chemical,
Reaction; it is the source
Of my climaxing...over-reacting
Truly this plays a partial
Fraction of how I need to
Transmit my love into energy...
Will you allow this connectivity?
To bond eternally. .

It’s based largely upon
Your neurons projecting
Independently... Sending me
Messages that requires me to

I haven’t been this turned on
Since I got a B in kinesiology...
By the way don’t get intimidated
It just means . .I wanted to study
How your body moves...

More importantly... how your
Mind connects to thoughts
That involve me...
Didn’t you know...?
That from the moment
The stars were born...
And the was sun formed...
I was suppose to be
Tied to you...

don’t be alarmed...
don’t call the police..
don’t ask EMS.. to rescue me..
It’s not that you shouldn’t take
This seriously.. 
all that matters is..
don’t forget to think..
thoughts..of me..
when I  am connecting inside you.

I am still getting motivation
Deriving anticipation...from
Touching you. . Its boils down
To what’s really perpetuating
These cells . . .

because this mind that
Has billions of neurons within
Sending millions more to begin...
A journey where you are my end...
Seems like it’s a waste...
If I can’t investigate
Just how you connect
To my heart...
make it beat
Out of time...
in haste...
How touching you
makes it race...

Why do I have to be reminded
I just need you to embrace
This epiphany..
Get straight behind it..

Take a stand.
Because it takes less time to
Send  signals to the brain...
I am your woman.. you
Are my man..
Transmit and I will receive
If you inhale I will exhale..
Together lets breath...
Don’t you know..
All I really do...
Is think of ways to stay connected
To you...

*Desire4Fire* 2011

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