My Font Is a Heavy Topic - it's about #Time - It's about #Race #WriteNow #WhyIWrite
RACE: While race and ethnicity share an ideology of common ancestry, they differ in several ways. First of all, race is primarily unitary. You can only have one race, while you can claim multiple ethnic affiliations. You can identify ethnically as Irish and Polish, but you have to be essentially either black or white.
TIME: The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
"travel through space and time" The progress of time as affecting people and things.
My views expressed are opinionated and Absolutely Penned at the moment; It was based on my ‘Feelings’ About my Now, and the Thought that prevailed is the reason I wrote this Blog. I’m certain I can’t reach those who do not wish to hear, and I’m definitely not attempting to impose my conjectures or “Views” on others. It is meant for written content and, very much based on my prejudices; both political and ethical conjunctures -#FeelFree2FeelDifferent.
I’d like everyone to think about the relevancy of time. How do you view it? As Infinite or Finite because nothing is relevant or comparable to space and place, You Are In Time all the Time. More than you think. It is #What has defined Your Past. So that you can Live in the Now, and seek Your Future.
It's how you view You. The place where you exist, and then you don’t. I believe that time can become the enemy as quickly as it becomes your ally; it can be your friend or foe.
Time can also represent your truth.
And What is someone else's truth? Is it perception, life experiences, acceptance, rejection, separation, desperation, anger, hatred, love - emotions and life lessons. All are cultivated by and through the passing of Time.
So 148 years ago – Someone passed a bill stating that All Negroes were to be freed – thus the abolition of Slavery –
60 years ago Another Bill was passed which implemented a law stating – Segregation Laws were illegal.
It’s 2018, people still have great-grandparents who either were slaves, freed from slavery or owned slaves.
It’s 2018 - people still have grandparents who were Segregated – were not allowed to be in the same room or eat or entertain or been seen in public with whites.
It’s 2018 and someone’s grandmother or mother, grandfather or father reminds their child daily how it used to be – The privileges and the struggles. The Rights and the Non-Rights. Those of the Have’s and the Have Nots. Those who were wet-nursed by a mother of another color. Those who went hunting and it was not for sport, but to hang and maim another individual because of their skin - it equated that the Lynching Season was In.
So I guess I’m diving into a subject matter that is subjective at best and extremely opinionated to the point where it can be an argumentative piece for argument's sake. For I can only write in retrospect - For the color I write in is #Black. And, it grieves me that I had no other experiences other than empathy and learned by association. I strive always to be open-minded so that I can write in a non-color perspective and allow my pen freedom; feeling free to do so, because I am a Human being first.
As a People we appear unstoppable, As a People, we suggest we can do All Things, We As a collective carry the expectations of greatness. Yet, we use separatism, inequality, bigotry, and hatred to undermine our power to accomplish a path that will not exclude some so that a few become powerful and turn a blind eye to the *Homeric (*epic and large-scale) question of Why are we here? To make Love? To partake in War? To Solve our origins or deny them?
As a people. Our purpose seems dictated by a socially constructed lie. And we become like sheep; we are fed, we are harvested for our bodies, and we are led to the slaughter; meek in our inability to question, and ask Why? Our beliefs are based on religion and social constructs that should house our morality - our humanity.
If I could just get over myself, and put back on the RoseColoredGlasses on the dresser, I could believe we will overcome; we will survive. We will Trust again. And not give in. #distrust,’ #disbelief #ignorance #CuturallyIntegrated lies #InSuperiortyComplex
We can also take on the analogy where we are like machines. We are only given so much information in order to survive, We are dictated to, we are well oiled to maintain our appearance and purpose as long as we do interpret our given instructions or question the directive.
We must not resist. We must not insist. We must not interject. We must not come out of hiding. We must not ask questions. Or seek safety. Or Equality. Or Threaten a System that Separates people by process of segregation, race, ethnicity, creed, sex or condone genocide.
I like to question a lot of things; mostly why it's better to Hide and Deny. #There’snothingwrong #ThatoccuredacenturyAgo-LetItGo #Thatsjustthewayitis #ThingsAreMuchBetterNow. #ItsBlackandWhiteAlwaysWillBe
Words like resistance, futile, revolution, civil unrest tend to ignite fear, but I’m off topic. I want to address the reasons that bind us to the definition for definition’s sake.
Here is the writer in me – the world building, fantasy=author that believed. In God we Trust. But, could this really be real if you only imagined it? I’d like to see. #MyworldisReal #YoursWorldDoesn’tHavetobeCruel.
I know it’s a far-fetched ‘Idealogy' But, people had changed whole societies before and built a foundation of civilization that were inspiring; that we admire to this day.
It’s Hard though and because we still have killings, murders, and wars. Blacks killing Blacks, Whites killing Whites, Latinos killing Latinos, Asians killing Asians, Irish killing Irish, Britians killing Britians.
There are Inner city crimes and upper-class crimes. Police brutality, Police Injustice, Police prejudices, And, men and women who join a profession in the attempt to #DotheRightThing. But get caught up #EyesOpenWide #Death&ViolenceAbide #NoJusticeforthePoor #RichNeedPower-More.
Jails designed that hide our damaged men and women. A System in place that offers the dream but excludes Hope. How long can Humans live like this?
As a people, it’s undoubtedly not embracing our humanity – because of the definition that states we must declare who we are. Not Human, but Our ethnicity; Our Race. Our Gender, Our Sexuality, Our Religion, Our Creed. We chop up our #being and discard #humanity and place it in a finely defined box in order to maintain #TheOrder
We suppress whats #right and whats #wrong and Who's #weak and who's #Strong. #PickonOtherFishIntheSeaThanMe
We embrace our differences which is #good, but that allows those to say it's #OK to segregate, suppress, destroy, judge and ostracise.
Who else believes this world that defines our humanity is in trouble?
Do you think you can hide and not be placed on the chopping box as, NEXT? –
We discard our solidarity for pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth.– separated, abandoned and set to the mold. Seven Deadly Sins have come to #TestUS
We survive, at a #Cost. We do as we are told, instructed, the law set in place to control and bind, but lawmakers, powermongers, say there is some reason to all of this without a set course, a known plan, CHAOS becomes a beast in waiting. Waiting to devour our safety nets. #TheirSafeNest
I guess – my mind went there. The topic is intense, there is no set course or plan of action. I just ask myself – how can we survive when so much is placed on Definitions- what divides people into US and THEM.
It does not make us stronger, what Defines the whole also Divides the many. There is no way we can think of JUST-US if it does not mean everyone; an all-inclusive unsegregated collective.
All. Humankind deserves a chance to deconstruct the construct – But I am fearful – there is #NotEnoughTime
We should ‘Not’ believe that we are superior or inferior. We are all things that are human, good, bad, evil, corrupt, blessed, forgiving, unforgiving, small-minded, bigotry, all-encompassing, compassionate, these things exist they are commonalities and differences that are ok to accept within the #Whole. It's just there's this word found in the dictionary that somehow became "Law' #Race. It really means #Seperate #Discriminate #Hate #Fear #CultivateADicotomy. There exists So I believe when we mark on a piece a paper that states #StateYourRace - It disgraces US. It informs us #Sublimnally that we are not all the #Same. It's just a word found in a dictionary that #HoldsPower and stops us from being/becoming human –
If we remain #Indifferent #acceptant of its definition we remain #TheSameforalltheWrongReasons. We also shall remain in the box until for all #TIme and never ever will be #Feel #Free
#I also write books
#I also write books
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