See... I still remember my son, the day he was born with his eyes wide open... they were a little glassy ~ to be expected, but I was too excited to care that I had begged only momen earlier to be given anything *something* for the pain. Yeah... it took thirteen hours for him to crown, and then I was told the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. He was in trouble. Somehow, I knew everything would work out just fine; I had this dream, that he was already perfect. 'It's a Boy!' Well I knew that too. I had dreamed of him even before he was born. Even before the doctor's who told me I would never get pregnant, etc...ect... (Crazy doctors) I already had my dream ~ I knew.
My son was born perfect into this crazy world. A pre- Fourth of July Child... July 3. I didn't require fireworks to know he was going to be a special, absolutely adorable child. I couldn't wait to be a 'Mom' - I swore I'd not spoil him, ridiculously anyway. But, I failed most times, because I loved this child. I changed his clothes, nine times a day; I talked to him, sang to him, looked into his eyes and smiled. At night, when he woke, he never really cried... just sort of whimpered and his eyes were wide open already, waiting on me to wake so that I could stare back at him in wonder. Yep... I was the lucky mom. I was in the possession of a brand new baby that did not yell when he was hungry or cry just because I was told this would be my initiation into motherhood. *Celebration* I experienced no nightmare of bringing up baby~ I told you he was special.
Unfortunately, I still had to go through his growing pains. His broken bones and injuries that incurred it seemed almost weekly. I was didn't panic of course, I proceeded to the nearest medicine cabinet for the occasional Band-Aid or antiseptic wipes. I managed to get him to the hospital and stay by his bedside during his asthma attacks, while waiting in the emergency room, while he was tended to for a broken arm, laceration to his head - he had to have three stitches. Finally, I have no idea how this child managed to find barbed wire, but that too was a miracle day. He was clothes lined by barbwire; his childhood friend pulled him back before it did too much damage wrapped around his neck. My child the walking accident. But thank God he pulled through it.
As he grew, he grew out of it. Relief washed over me as I realized I didn't want to know some of the times he didn't tell me about, until later. Like the time he fell down Albany Hill in Berkeley, or was bike riding with his dad and crashed head first on a fall that knocked him out cold. *He had his helmet on* SO you see~ I was glad, his Guardian Angel took over for me, this child seemed to require full time attention.
But five days ago, two weeks before his 18th birthday, my son decided he would remind me, that it’s not quite over. Falling from a skateboard, he managed to break five of the nine bones in his hand. One bone was completely ruptured in two, dislocation, torn ligaments and bones resting on top of other bones... and he didn't feel any pain. SO... he thought he might have spained it. So... I didn't take him to the emergency room until two days more... when the swelling didn't go down and 'In my mind' ok this just didn't look like a sprain to me... *Ok here's the kicker, even when I took him to Quick Care, they just said.. It's a broken bone... *referral time* - But it wasn't until his doctor did more x-rays that it was determined he should have had emergency surgery immediately. ---- Sigh*... So Friday... my son had his surgery. "It should take about one hour" the doctor informed me. One hour...two hours... three hours into it... I knew I had to pray a little harder. Yeah... Sons take you through the fire... but I would have gladly gone in any case. This kid is totally amazing. No pain and have so much injury to his wrist. Today he is recovering, in a lot of pain. *totally being spoiled of course*... I am waiting on his eighteenth birthday. He has to spend it in a cast. I guess it’s a reminder that I will always... be Mom; I will always feel his pain and his joy. I'm Blessed Still.
Desire4Fire. 2011
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