The Kyandra Saga

The Kyandra Saga
Book I

Friday, December 26, 2014

Why I Write

Why I write: 
Happy Holidays - has any family member or friend rec  a Kindle reader for Christmas - or have a smart phone - for that matter have a computer that can download a Kindle application? 

I am attempting to introduce to our young community and adults alike - Novels with persons of color within them (Within the Fantasy genre)

Will you help me spread  news of this novel - Not only is it a good read for young adults, but it breaks the color barrier of a once closed off genre 'fantasy' and the lack of people of color written within them. 

My desire is to change how we as readers who seek entertainment with novels like The Hobbit and Lord or Rings, The Narnia Chronicles, Harry Potter, and other novels of fantasy that have only elves, orcs, and dwarves -  If you read Fantasy this is all there is in terms of 'other races' 
There is more, but this is how for so very long the 'acceptance' has remained within a world that has no limits.  It not how I wish to view our world and what can be 'written' into them.. no barriers = no boundries 

The Prelude to my novel REMvision is here.  Its free and available on Amazon.  Guardians of REM - please share with our young community and adults alike.  Bless. 

Here's the link:

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