Why I write:
Happy Holidays - has any family member or friend rec a Kindle reader for Christmas - or have a smart phone - for that matter have a computer that can download a Kindle application?
I am attempting to introduce to our young community and adults alike - Novels with persons of color within them (Within the Fantasy genre)
Will you help me spread news of this novel - Not only is it a good read for young adults, but it breaks the color barrier of a once closed off genre 'fantasy' and the lack of people of color written within them.
My desire is to change how we as readers who seek entertainment with novels like The Hobbit and Lord or Rings, The Narnia Chronicles, Harry Potter, and other novels of fantasy that have only elves, orcs, and dwarves - If you read Fantasy this is all there is in terms of 'other races'
There is more, but this is how for so very long the 'acceptance' has remained within a world that has no limits. It not how I wish to view our world and what can be 'written' into them.. no barriers = no boundries
The Prelude to my novel REMvision is here. Its free and available on Amazon. Guardians of REM - please share with our young community and adults alike. Bless.
Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Guardians-REM-Prelude-Kyandra-Saga-ebook/dp/B00RDLOME4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1419531326&sr=8-1&keywords=gloria+sanders+williams
Friday, December 26, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
When I write N Prose... the Lord knows..
Days Like This..
When I open my eyes - I can’t see..
When I open my mouth – I can’t breathe ….
When I listen to my heart – it doesn't beat …
When I feed my soul – it hungers still ….
When I open my mouth – I can’t breathe ….
When I listen to my heart – it doesn't beat …
When I feed my soul – it hungers still ….
When I touch your photograph – I feel loss. ..
Lord.. There are some things you do… I disagree..
is it blasphemy?
how do I remain faithful when eye to eye I can’t see..
when...will I find my alignment to your will ..
I know what you would advise ..
To believe .. to pray…
is it blasphemy?
how do I remain faithful when eye to eye I can’t see..
when...will I find my alignment to your will ..
I know what you would advise ..
To believe .. to pray…
So, Lord ..
I come to you today
I just ..come to you -
I come to you today
I just ..come to you -
Asking for a reprieve ..
The life you’re taken makes me grieve…
Lord …
I am on my knees
I raise my eyes up …
there are no words …
I choke up
Lord ..
I rip my chest wide…
look inside..
knock down the door where anger…guilt.. aloneness.. reside..
I cower behind the mask…
I hide
I don’t want to feel anything…
but I realize it is the reason..
The life you’re taken makes me grieve…
Lord …
I am on my knees
I raise my eyes up …
there are no words …
I choke up
Lord ..
I rip my chest wide…
look inside..
knock down the door where anger…guilt.. aloneness.. reside..
I cower behind the mask…
I hide
I don’t want to feel anything…
but I realize it is the reason..
I pray to you…
For your mercy… for your kindness … for forgiveness ..for your understanding.. for your healing.. for your strength.. for allowing me work out my confusion
Through words that you relay within my heart..
I claim this gift you have bestowed …
Able to perceive the ruse… the lies..
That the Devil tells.. when he whispers..
“you can’t fix any of this”
It’s not surprising – his voice is shallow…
His words attempt to conquer me..
Yet, I am going somewhere that he can’t follow…
While life in this body.. keeps
– yearning.. turning .. charging on…
twisting my insides… its all so demanding..
I want to ask…
“what is it like.. safe within your arms..”
Adrienne ..knows..
I need to believe I will end up there.
For your mercy… for your kindness … for forgiveness ..for your understanding.. for your healing.. for your strength.. for allowing me work out my confusion
Through words that you relay within my heart..
I claim this gift you have bestowed …
Able to perceive the ruse… the lies..
That the Devil tells.. when he whispers..
“you can’t fix any of this”
It’s not surprising – his voice is shallow…
His words attempt to conquer me..
Yet, I am going somewhere that he can’t follow…
While life in this body.. keeps
– yearning.. turning .. charging on…
twisting my insides… its all so demanding..
I want to ask…
“what is it like.. safe within your arms..”
Adrienne ..knows..
I need to believe I will end up there.
I look up to the skies.. and see only clouds..
Where is the sun …where are the stars..
why can’t I see you there.. up high –
why do I deny? am I the only one?
Thoughts too deep … when I think.
“why Lord… why”
I can’t fathom your wisdom… I can’t decipher the reasons
I cry..
And some nights … when I can’t sleep..
chaos within runs.. deep
You still find your way in…
And your words seep… into a soul burning to receive.
“Lean not onto your own understanding..”
I get it.. “But in all things - acknowledge him..”
even if it does not add up..
And I can’t do the math…
I believe…
Lord… you’ll walk me through…
You said it..
it is written. . but it is more than a
script.. more than words upon a scroll..
these are words written in blood stains
given in love.. entrusted.. engrained ..
I will stop making this all about me..
“And you shall direct my path.”
I Believe...
I Believe.
Where is the sun …where are the stars..
why can’t I see you there.. up high –
why do I deny? am I the only one?
Thoughts too deep … when I think.
“why Lord… why”
I can’t fathom your wisdom… I can’t decipher the reasons
I cry..
And some nights … when I can’t sleep..
chaos within runs.. deep
You still find your way in…
And your words seep… into a soul burning to receive.
“Lean not onto your own understanding..”
I get it.. “But in all things - acknowledge him..”
even if it does not add up..
And I can’t do the math…
I believe…
Lord… you’ll walk me through…
You said it..
it is written. . but it is more than a
script.. more than words upon a scroll..
these are words written in blood stains
given in love.. entrusted.. engrained ..
I will stop making this all about me..
“And you shall direct my path.”
I Believe...
I Believe.
Desire4Fire 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Super Heroes and Heroes
Within the world of books, fantasy, movies and comics – what does your Hero look like?
I bet you already have your favorite Superhero, or Hero captured within your mind.
You have ‘picked’ your character in your head already – haven’t you?
I might even go as far as to make a wager on the fact that you can see your ‘Hero’ right now as if he or she were standing before your very eyes.
Yet, if I told you I picture a tall, muscular, dark-skinned, golden eyed male with a head full of dreadlocks – can you see him, can you name him? What about a golden skin female warrior about six foot and thick bodied instead of lean.
And while there is an ‘expectation’ or stigma around the word ‘Superhero’ – You don’t picture a person of color, even if he happens to be blue or green; not at first, do you?
I still believe a Superhero has to earn the love and respect of the multitude to earn such a title. And, you say “Right!”
Yet, what makes a Superhero? Power…Size…Speed…Ability…Appeal…or does it fall upon the masses to proclaim such a title to an individual deemed ‘Worthy.’
Still, in the world of fantasy – Superheroes won’t survive the first introduction in your chapter.
What? I said – a Superhero doesn’t belong.
Because Fantasy is a highly exclusive genre in the book world community; that is, if one is ‘hardcore.’ There’s no room for Superheroes or Super Villains. Only the Good, the Bad, and the incredibly gifted gain credibility within Fantasy.
Well, aren’t you’re wondering? Why?
Because that is the make-up of the character driven, super evolved ‘construct’ within the Genre.
Can you see – Superman ‘Swooping In’ to save the day in a Lord of the Rings Epic war scene – No! Can you visualize Spiderman ‘Swinging’ by to rescue Jon Snow or fall in love with Daenerys Targaryen? Can you picture an Elf ‘Shoot Arrows’ with the best of Green Arrow?
Can you see an Orc take on The Hulk?
That’s what I’m saying!
Yet, how did this happen – where anything in the written word is possible, and everything is conceivable?
I’ll tell you how, but first, I want to bring up the very same ‘rules’ that keep Superheroes and Heroes in their respective worlds, or ‘realms’ is the very same ‘constructs’ that limit people of color from leading roles as Superheroes and Heroes.
I know.
You are going to mention ‘Storm?’
You have ‘picked’ your character in your head already – haven’t you?
I might even go as far as to make a wager on the fact that you can see your ‘Hero’ right now as if he or she were standing before your very eyes.
Yet, if I told you I picture a tall, muscular, dark-skinned, golden eyed male with a head full of dreadlocks – can you see him, can you name him? What about a golden skin female warrior about six foot and thick bodied instead of lean.
And while there is an ‘expectation’ or stigma around the word ‘Superhero’ – You don’t picture a person of color, even if he happens to be blue or green; not at first, do you?
I still believe a Superhero has to earn the love and respect of the multitude to earn such a title. And, you say “Right!”
Yet, what makes a Superhero? Power…Size…Speed…Ability…Appeal…or does it fall upon the masses to proclaim such a title to an individual deemed ‘Worthy.’
Still, in the world of fantasy – Superheroes won’t survive the first introduction in your chapter.
What? I said – a Superhero doesn’t belong.
Because Fantasy is a highly exclusive genre in the book world community; that is, if one is ‘hardcore.’ There’s no room for Superheroes or Super Villains. Only the Good, the Bad, and the incredibly gifted gain credibility within Fantasy.
Well, aren’t you’re wondering? Why?
Because that is the make-up of the character driven, super evolved ‘construct’ within the Genre.
Can you see – Superman ‘Swooping In’ to save the day in a Lord of the Rings Epic war scene – No! Can you visualize Spiderman ‘Swinging’ by to rescue Jon Snow or fall in love with Daenerys Targaryen? Can you picture an Elf ‘Shoot Arrows’ with the best of Green Arrow?
Can you see an Orc take on The Hulk?
That’s what I’m saying!
Yet, how did this happen – where anything in the written word is possible, and everything is conceivable?
I’ll tell you how, but first, I want to bring up the very same ‘rules’ that keep Superheroes and Heroes in their respective worlds, or ‘realms’ is the very same ‘constructs’ that limit people of color from leading roles as Superheroes and Heroes.
I know.
You are going to mention ‘Storm?’
Awesome choice. She’s one of my favorites. Storm first appeared in a Marvel comic episode in (1975)
Can you think of anyone else?
I’m waiting.
Ok. I’ll help you.
Top listed Superheroes of color:
Can you think of anyone else?
I’m waiting.
Ok. I’ll help you.
Top listed Superheroes of color:
Black Panther (1966), The Falcon (1971-78) Falcon was featured as co- next to Captain America, which is a super amazing tidbit. Master of Kung-Fu (1973,) Blade (1973,) Storm (1975,) War Machine (1979,) and Silver Surfer (1969) and he was an alien – Umm? Can you really think of any more?
Does your brain work overtime, can you name them counting up to ten?
Actually, if you are a 'die-hard' Comic-con fan you will probably throw in Black Goliath (1966,) and Nick Fury (1972,) in the mix... but Nick is not really a superhero, is he? He's just a ‘Badass.’
And, what about just Black Heroes within the Fantasy Genre – what about people of color period?
Well… now... that’s would take one a little longer to come up with a ‘fictional character’ in a fictional fantasy series.
Actually, if you are a 'die-hard' Comic-con fan you will probably throw in Black Goliath (1966,) and Nick Fury (1972,) in the mix... but Nick is not really a superhero, is he? He's just a ‘Badass.’
And, what about just Black Heroes within the Fantasy Genre – what about people of color period?
Well… now... that’s would take one a little longer to come up with a ‘fictional character’ in a fictional fantasy series.
A humdinger kind of question that probably you won’t be able to name a single Standout character with ‘One-finger’ type of question?
Don’t worry, the world is a huge melting pot, and somewhere I’m certain a person of color has a starring role in the great epic fantasies of our time.
Don’t worry, the world is a huge melting pot, and somewhere I’m certain a person of color has a starring role in the great epic fantasies of our time.
If not maybe, someday…an awesome writer will throw Superheroes and Heroes together and make that world awesome.
And, eventually, more writers will become emboldened and decide to bridge the color barrier within Fantasy Genres.
There are so many worlds out there – why haven’t they already?
With all honesty…I grew up reading such fantastic stuff as Lord of the Rings (Tolkien) and the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, (CS Lewis) even falling into the world of elves of Shannara (Terry Brooks.)
With all honesty…I grew up reading such fantastic stuff as Lord of the Rings (Tolkien) and the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, (CS Lewis) even falling into the world of elves of Shannara (Terry Brooks.)
Somehow, I don’t believe that all elves are blond, blue eyed and fair – wait.
Even the Dark Elves ‘appear neutral or blue’. Nor do I think all orcs are big, dark skin, evil doers; ok – they really are.
And, what about the Dwarves? Were they all of Irish, Scandinavian or Scottish decent?
No matter what planet or realm our Superhero comes from – I believe there have to be differences other than ‘blue, green or red skin.
Where are the story-tellers that envision what I imagine; worlds are out there, and people of color live there – they really do.
I for one decided I would not just ‘bring’ it to the forefront of this topic because I really do love the worlds created for our ‘Heroes’ and ‘Superheroes.’ It’s just I envision other worlds…I visualize others that fall into a ‘Heroes’ category.
Go read for yourself – I wrote the Kyandra Saga
Still, I didn’t write or start with the notion that I would ‘Breakdown Color Barriers’ that exist within ‘Fantasy,’ but because I believe that it is a privilege and desire, which motivates me to write stories like what I read in my youth. I ‘imagined’ that I could ‘Add a splash’ of ‘color’ to it ‘literally.’
I’m so excited – there are so many places to venture and stumble upon…so many new Heroes to meet and some who are just too damn ‘Awesome’ not to breath life into. Others await the hand that will pen incredibly ‘colorful’ characters that will make one wonder ‘What took so long?’
No matter what planet or realm our Superhero comes from – I believe there have to be differences other than ‘blue, green or red skin.
Where are the story-tellers that envision what I imagine; worlds are out there, and people of color live there – they really do.
I for one decided I would not just ‘bring’ it to the forefront of this topic because I really do love the worlds created for our ‘Heroes’ and ‘Superheroes.’ It’s just I envision other worlds…I visualize others that fall into a ‘Heroes’ category.
Go read for yourself – I wrote the Kyandra Saga
Still, I didn’t write or start with the notion that I would ‘Breakdown Color Barriers’ that exist within ‘Fantasy,’ but because I believe that it is a privilege and desire, which motivates me to write stories like what I read in my youth. I ‘imagined’ that I could ‘Add a splash’ of ‘color’ to it ‘literally.’
I’m so excited – there are so many places to venture and stumble upon…so many new Heroes to meet and some who are just too damn ‘Awesome’ not to breath life into. Others await the hand that will pen incredibly ‘colorful’ characters that will make one wonder ‘What took so long?’
‘Heroes that are exotic and spark new birth into a very tightly knit world of the ‘Epic.’
Did you ever believe he or she could be a Hero? Yet, I imagined it…
Kyandra the Saga is that result. And there are different series in the works that shall bring new Heroes and adventures.
Anyone else believe they need someone new to start kicking some butt for the sake of ‘Saving the World?’
Only a ‘Villain’ would ask, “Who needs another ‘Hero?”
I would ‘imagine’ my answer would probably go like this. “We do – Hell Yeah!”
Kyandra the Saga is that result. And there are different series in the works that shall bring new Heroes and adventures.
Anyone else believe they need someone new to start kicking some butt for the sake of ‘Saving the World?’
Only a ‘Villain’ would ask, “Who needs another ‘Hero?”
I would ‘imagine’ my answer would probably go like this. “We do – Hell Yeah!”
And, I’m working on introducing them to the world.
“Our future is ‘Bright, Colorful and vibrant in ‘Character.’ It’s only natural our writing should reflect the same even if its only ‘In our imagination.’
“Our future is ‘Bright, Colorful and vibrant in ‘Character.’ It’s only natural our writing should reflect the same even if its only ‘In our imagination.’
A writer’s fate is not set in stone…not when that future becomes shaped by Heroes created and imagined.
Envision the greatness that lies within every soul, but only a Hero can sow from its possibilities.
At least, “This is why I Write.”
Desire4Fire ©2016
#whyIwrite #herostuff #KyandratheSaga
Comments Welcome!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
"Always...Remember the wait is part of the journey...The dream is the undiscovered country...and the end is dictated by the Creator..." D4FDesire4Fire. Will you take a moment and share..pray or donate to help me publish my novel.http://www.gofundme.com/6i5cdc![]()
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