The Kyandra Saga

The Kyandra Saga
Book I

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Hero's Lament

When a ‘Hero’ is born…Is a sense of ethics a given; is there an oath sworn? Is there room for compromise as the hero toils towards the goal?

Is Justice and Truth buried deep in the soul? 
Does it surface when the need is dire?
Does a hero's heart stay lit - afire? 

All these questions arise…

Will a Hero feed off courage to aspire.
Or will fear to confuse and thus conspire? Is there hope; should one prayWill a Hero appear and show the way? 

Can a Hero defend at all cost especially, when evil is nearDoes a Hero have what it takes to compel the heart to quell its fear.

A Hero’s heart is uncontested. Morals are found there, and courage manifestedSet in stone?

A Hero serves a purpose; knows the role.

Determination is grounded and blankets the soul A Hero gains ground never looking back never looks down. 

A Hero climbs the steepest steps swims the deepest ocean that can be found. A Hero’s path can't be undermined or undertaken by the blind? Undaunted by the task, A Hero can't afford to take off the mask.

With sword; the strike is lightning. With bow; the arrow’s path is true. The threat's no more. Like a flame, that lightens a darkened shore...

It is the hero that ignites the flame that creates the spark; it sets the Hero worlds apart...
Let there be no strife.

Don't ask if Heroes we need…
when the fight gets weary..its heroes that lead – Wait.
this line doesn’t fit a hero's plight. 

Heroes walk the path to glory without a herald to tell the story. Tales told; sung for heroes of old of those brave and of those who are bold. That fight and fight; that give their all. That give their life. 

Onto the last breath - 
Where’s nothings left

With speed a hero's accuracy seems frightening;
With a response time; it seems faster than lightening as time dictates that special someone's calling -

Stalling the Naysayer or any that find fault in every single deed. A Hero will always be a Villian Slayer - its written in stone in the Heroes Creed.
We Honor the Heroes.

That give their all
That give their life. 

And, after all of this, Heroes falter, heroes fall.

Must a hero always get the short end of it? 
Must a hero sacrifice it all; after giving it their all…

How can a hero – accept such a call?

And, at the very End-
In a no situation win. 

There's a Hero that will find the courage to do it all... all over again

