"We've only just begun"
Well in this one sense, I feel like a three foot kid, that can't ride the major rides yet.
I have to grow..a little more.. Thats the hard part waiting.. in the meantime.. I write
and write and hope somewhere down the line.. I hook my very first agent. Maybe the only one
I will ever need. Any how.. this is my topic for today.
One of the major downfalls I find whenever I write within the genre Fantasy is that
- it’s not my writing at all. It’s when I need an ear, or a sounding board.
Just to have someone to speak to about what direction should a character go in.
As well as, how very naive I am as I pursue the challenges of becoming
legitimately published by a reputable publisher. I find it difficult to join
SFW without a body of work that is counted under the criteria they set for
authors. It is why I believe I joined sights such as AQC - I, wonder sometimes - who else
- it’s not my writing at all. It’s when I need an ear, or a sounding board.
Just to have someone to speak to about what direction should a character go in.
As well as, how very naive I am as I pursue the challenges of becoming
legitimately published by a reputable publisher. I find it difficult to join
SFW without a body of work that is counted under the criteria they set for
authors. It is why I believe I joined sights such as AQC - I, wonder sometimes - who else
novel is steered by the propeller of my imagination... so to speak... who needs
an ear. Unfortunately, I begin to reflect and realize that I do. Maybe I'm
hoping someone can become as excited as I am about the prospect of seeing
Kyandra's journey to the end. Then again... I'm still the navigator, the pilot
and the passenger. What is left (elements) I can't control that... So I will
just proceed where ever the waters lead me and how ever the weather fairs, and
if I meet that genuine 'ear' - Oh happy day!